

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Replace Overheating iPhone Battery in Singapore

Apple is looked up to when it comes to providing the highest quality of technical devices and services. But admit it or not, even Apple is not immune from the technical glitches. Millions of users have been complaining about the overheating of various iPhone models to the extent of the devices to turn into really hot plates. There have been plenty of instances where the iPhones had to display the warning message which goes,"iPhone needs to cool down before you can use it.” They even exploded at certain times.

What Actually Happens When The Battery Overheats?

Sometimes the chances are that the overheating of the battery extends to such a level that it may not cool down even after hours of keeping it in the fridge. This may lead to shutting off the phone or becoming unresponsive. Thank God for Mobile battery replacement in Singapore that you don’t have to worry about anything. iPhones tend to get extremely overheated if you put heavy pressure on CPU, battery or GPU. Certain applications like Waves, Facebook videos, safari and Google Maps are more prone to making the iPhone overheated. So it would be better to avoid them.

Ways to Cool an Overheated iPhone

When the iPhone gets overheated, there is no need to panic. You can either try some conventional methods at the he itself or you can take your phone to a professional repair agent. iPhone battery repair in Singapore offer the best battery replacement to your devices. They make sure to maintain the quality of the services they provide.  For you to try cooling down your phone, you must try the following methods:

Even after trying these methods your iPhone does not cool down, maybe it is time to take your iPhone for battery replacement. iPhone battery replacement in Singapore is not difficult to find now. There are plenty of repair services that are happy to serve you. 

Direction for Service Centre:


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